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NFABSD Email Archive

March 5, 2025

An internal memo by the Planning Department — distributed to Councilmembers on Friday but not shared with the public — changed Council direction on the Bonus ADU program... (open)

March 3, 2025

Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 4, is the City Council meeting with 2 important items on the Agenda...(open)

March 1, 2025

THIS IS HUGE!  We have been asking the City Council for FOUR years to recognize and address the excesses of the Bonus ADU program. The damage the program is doing to Encanto has finally gotten the City Council to admit that the Bonus ADU program has gone way beyond what anyone intended...(open)

February 27, 2025

In yet another plot twist, the City just posted the March 4 Agenda and the resolution to abolish the Bonus ADU program has been removed!...(open)

February 7, 2025

He's trying to intimidate the Council and ignoring the valid concerns of San Diego residents... (open)

February 3, 2025

Attend a series of meetings in February with the city’s  Independent Budget Analyst to review the budget and give the public the  opportunity to ask questions about it.,, (open)

January 31, 2025

Surprise motion by Councilmember Foster sets wheels in motion for possible repeal... (open)

January 29, 2025

Many residents also expressed their numerous concerns about the Bonus ADU Program ...and the City Council agreed... (open)

January 27, 2025

Footnote 7 rezoned large areas of Chollas Valley—including areas that were planned for parks—without going through the proper Community Plan Update process. This was deliberately deceptive... (open)

January 12, 2025

Now that we are past the election, we suspect the City may bring back SB 10 and expand other controversial programs... (open)

December 4, 2024

Now that the 2024 election is final,  Neighbors For A Better San Diego would like to highlight several trends  that may have been missed while attention was given to more  high-profile races...(open)

November 12, 2024

Encanto and Emerald Hills residentsdemand detailed information about how neighborhoods in Southeast San Diego were rezoned to allow higher  density with no input from the community planning group or neighbors...(open)

November 4, 2024

If you have voted by mail and haven’t signed up to receive notifications  from the Secretary of State, you can check that your ballot has been  received by going to Ballottrax... (open)

October 9, 2024

We sent six questions to San Diego's Mayoral and City Council candidates. Four of the six candidates responded... (open)

October 7, 2024

Mayor Gloria is applying for a $7 million federal (HUD) grant that would allow up to 9 units on single-family lots — just like SB 10... (open)

September 17, 2024

This is your chance to hear from the candidates in person BEFORE you cast your vote... (open)

September 16, 2024

Without further ado, the envelopes please!... (open)

September 2, 2024

More Transit Tax Money = More Power for SANDAG & City = More Ways to Change Your Zoning Without Your Knowledge... (open)

August 21, 2024

Too often, people who have opposed San Diego’s Bonus ADU (Accessory  Dwelling Unit) Program have been miscast as one cohesive group of  anti-development, anti-renter, anti-affordable-housing NIMBYs. I’d like  to take a few moments to dispel these stereotypes...(open)

August 17, 2024

The OB Rag is having a contest for "Worst ADU in San Diego." Read more about the contest and participate here: The OB Rag's Worst ADU in San Diego Contest ...(open)

July 10, 2024

Two local neighborhoods recently staged impressive protests against multi-unit "Bonus ADU" projects in their communities...(open)

July 1, 2024

In San Diego, Sustainable Development really means sustaining the development industry...(open)

April 9, 2024

The details of San Diego's Bonus ADU program were buried on page 5 of the 2020 Planning Department Staff Report, while page 1 declared that the proposal was implementing state law...(open)

March 27, 2024

The SB 10 bullet we dodged was peddled as "Missing Middle Housing" by City Hall.

It wasn't, and here's why it matters...(open)

March 21, 2024

Of all the significant land-use policies approved by the San Diego City Council in 2020 amid COVID lockdowns, the most impactful is Complete Communities Housing Solutions (CCHS), yet most San Diegans are unaware of how CCHS can affect their neighborhoods...(open)

March 2, 2024

Learn where the candidates stand on the issues that impact you... (open)

February 19, 2024

It's very unfortunate that the Union-Tribune's editors did not fact-check this wildly inaccurate column and contact us for a response before publishing it... (open)

January 5, 2024

We have asked the Council to get answers to these questions before they make a final and fateful decision on January 9...(open)

December 13, 2023

City Council votes 7-1 to allow off-siting of Affordable housing...(open)

December 11, 2023

HAP 2.0 Complete Communities amendments — as always, the devil is in the details...(open)

December 7, 2023

Mayor Gloria's Affordable House of Cards - The December 12th City Council agenda was published with significant changes to Complete Communities only three working days before the City Council vote...(open)

December 6, 2023

The San Diego Union-Tribune Opinion:

Off-site affordable housing plan will enforce segregation. Why is the mayor promoting it?...(open)

December 5, 2023

Mayor Gloria and Council President Elo-Rivera have announced the return of the Housing Action Package (HAP 2.0) after it failed to pass during November's heated City Council meeting... (open)

November 22, 2023

The Mayor and the Council President have put out a press release saying that the Housing Action Package 2.0 WILL be coming back to the City Council in December... (open)

November 17, 2023

We accidentally attributed the following NBC 7 San Diego story to KUSI...(open)

November 17, 2023

San Diego planners are about to shoehorn a population greater than the city of Poway into Hillcrest, with no plans for more parks, fire stations, libraries, etc... (open)

November 14, 2023

After a 5-hour meeting, over 80 public comments, several last-minute attempts at amendments, and some heated exchanges between council members, HAP 2.0 has been punted to a future date...(open)

November 12, 2023

We are urging the City Council to REJECT the Complete Communities amendment in the Housing Action Package and we need your help to amplify our message... (open)

November 10, 2023

The City Council will be voting on the Housing Action Package 2.0 this coming Monday... (open)

October 16, 2023

"Plan Hillcrest" is the name of the community plan update for Hillcrest and the core of Uptown. Community Plan Updates determine zoning and land use for the next 20 to 30 years.

The Planning Department will present proposed updates to the Hillcrest plan this Tuesday, October 17th... (open)

September 28, 2023

The Planning Commission will hear two appeals of the Complete Communities project proposed for 301 Spruce Street tomorrow, Thursday, September 28th. This project has serious implications for all areas of San Diego... (open)

September 23, 2023

Key takeaways: SB 10 — Gone but not forgotten:  Although SB 10 was removed from the Housing Action Package, several well-funded, pro-density groups are pushing for its return. We will stay on top of this situation... (open)

September 19, 2023

SB 10 has been removed from the Housing Action Package, but there are still some significant remaining items in HAP 2.0 that San Diegans should know about... (open)

August 31, 2023

The elimination of safe and efficient parking often results in higher overall living expenses for renters of "car-free" housing... (open)

August 30, 2023

Mayor Gloria and our City Council members clearly agree that parking in San Diego is scarce and expensive...(open)

August 15, 2023

Why are San Diego City leaders tempting fate with single-family zoning loopholes in high-risk fire zones? ...(open)

August 8, 2023

No matter how clear this decision appears, we do not consider this done until SB 10 is formally removed from the Housing Action Package...(open)

August 4, 2023

BREAKING NEWS: Planning Commission Rejects SB10, and Sends it Back to the Drawing Board... (open)

July 29, 2023

The Planning Commission do-over on SB 10 is Thursday, August 3rd at 9 AM and the Agenda has been posted. It's time to make your opinion known! ...(open)

July 27, 2023

We support a sustainable, walkable, community-driven approach to housing and planning. SB 10 is yet another poorly-conceived density bomb for single-family neighborhoods and an obstacle to these goals. Worse yet, it's irreversible... (open)

July 26, 2023

Ceding your time is easy. You just need to be at the meeting by 9 AM,  fill out a Speaker Slip (provided at the door), and raise your hand when  your name is called. That's all there is to it... (open)

July 14, 2023

This is something the Planning Commissioners and San Diego City Councilmembers must understand... (open)

June 15, 2023

If SB 10 is implemented by our City Council, it CAN NEVER BE UNDONE. Not even by a future city council. So as we advance toward the final vote on the Housing Action Packae 2.0 later this summer (timeline below), there are actions you can take today to help stop SB 10 — before it's too late..(open)

June 2, 2023

In all, there were over 850 comments submitted, with almost all of them opposing SB 10. The commissioners had many reservations about SB 10 and several shared our concerns about the size and scope of it...(open)

May 30, 2023

The Mayor's Planning Department continues its push with the Housing Action Plan (HAP) 2.0, which includes the SB 10 opt-in. The next opportunity to push back against San Diego’s proposed SB 10 implementation is the Planning Commission meeting this Thursday, June 1st, 2023 at 9 AM... (open)

May 11, 2023

Hundreds of San Diego residents protest Mayor’s reckless housing initiatives... (open)

April 30, 2023

Groups from across San Diego unite in opposition to reckless high-density housing initiatives...(open)

April 27, 2023

The Senate Bill 10 Opt-In is bundled into San Diego's Housing Action Package 2.0 and currently making its way through the system. Mayor Gloria and his backers in Sacramento hope that San Diego will be the first city in the state — and probably the only city foolish enough — to "opt-in" to SB 10...(open)

April 20, 2023

The single-family home shown above is located in Clairemont. It was purchased by an outside investor who is taking advantage of San Diego's Bonus ADU Program to turn this residential home into an 11-unit apartment complex...(open)

April 12, 2023

Newly-Filed Lawsuit Challenges City of San Diego’s Massive, Irresponsible Upzoning of Single-Family Neighborhoods...(open)

April 5, 2023

As we are going through the Housing Action Package, one thing that stands out that wasn't mentioned in our last email is that if SB 10 is implemented, it CANNOT be reversed. Ever. Even by the same City Council that approved it, or subsequent City Councils... (open)

April 5, 2023

The Housing Action Package 2.0 was just released and it's worse than anything we had imagined... (open)

March 29, 2023

"...The information that you shared tonight was worse than I thought across the state and I already thought it was bad in San Diego. This is a BIG DEAL - count me in!"  ~ Town hall attendee (

March 20, 2023

If this ballot measure passes, Sacramento will no longer be able to dictate San Diego’s housing policies through ill-conceived laws such as SB 9 & SB 10...(open)

March 11, 2023

If this ballot measure passes, Sacramento will no longer be able to dictate San Diego’s housing policies through ill-conceived laws such as SB 9 and SB 10... (open)

March 7, 2023

If you or someone you know attempted to register for the Housing Package 2.0 in-person meeting last Thursday, March 2nd, at the Mission Valley Library, but were unable due to registration being full, please let us know by replying to this email today... (open)

March 6, 2023

As a result of our media turnout effort and supporters who were able to show up on short notice, we had excellent coverage by both CBS 8 and ABC 10. It's rare that we get to frame the news, instead of the carefully crafted magical thinking that the City presents to the media.

As for inside the room... (open)

March 1, 2023

Today the City Council had its second reading of the Land Development Code update and, as expected, the one-mile SDA was approved by the same 5-4 margin. We thank the four Councilmembers who voted against it, but we already have to move on. The hits keep coming...(open)

February 24, 2023

If you live in Council Districts 3, 4, 6, 8, or 9, remind your Council member that it's not too late to CHANGE their vote and PULL THE SDA... (open)

February 15, 2023

Today, four thoughtful City Council members voted against approving the 2022 Land Development Code (LDC) because they thought the construct of Sustainable Development Areas (SDAs) was too significant and its implications too far-reaching to be handled as part of the LDC Update. The four council members (Joe LaCava, Jen Campbell, Marni Von Wilpert, and Raul Campillo) each had slightly different reasons, but all thought the City should invest the time to get it right....(open)

February 14, 2023

The Sierra Club San Diego Chapter has submitted a letter requesting the City Council pull the SDA. You can read that letter here...(open)

February 14, 2023

The League of Women Voters of San Diego has submitted a letter requesting the City Council pull the SDA. You can read that letter here...(open)

February 14, 2023

On the eve of the City Council vote on the SDA proposal, we shared this outstanding open letter that was sent to City Council members by Nico Calavita, Professor Emeritus in the Graduate Program in City Planning at SDSU...(open)

February 13, 2023

The Planning Department's Staff Report (see our highlights) appears to be misinforming City Council members by implying that the city risks decertification of its Housing Element if it doesn't pass the Sustainable Development Area (SDA) proposal. THIS IS NOT FACTUAL...(open)

February 11, 2023

“I’ll never see another sunrise from my backyard.”

That’s how Eric Rosenzweig describes the impact of three, two-story ADUs now under construction on the other side of his backyard fence...(open)

February 9, 2023

Here's what you can do...(open)

February 7, 2023

We urge the City Council to pull the SDA proposal from the Land Development Code Update so it can be fully considered as the major land use change that it is... (open)

February 4, 2023

The investor/builder of the closely-situated properties featured in this report is squeezing three, two-story apartment buildings in each backyard, totaling 15 income-producing rental units where two single-family homes once stood. Make no mistake, these are not "granny flats" that benefit single-family neighborhoods, homeowners, first-time homebuyers, or renters... (open)

February 1, 2023

Spoiler Alert: They want your money, not your opinion... (open)

January 22, 2023

We interviewed University City resident Bonnie Kutch regarding her recently-published Opinion essays in The San Diego Union-Tribune and the Times of San Diego. Read Bonnie's insightful commentary on the need for smart, balanced, and environmentally-sound zoning... (open)

January 20, 2023

For those of you living outside the city limits of San Diego, understand that this radical shift in SANDAG policy would set a precedent for eliminating constraints on over-development in other SANDAG municipalities... (open)

January 14, 2023

The Land Use & Housing Committee passed the Sustainable Development Area (SDA) proposal in a three-to-one vote Thursday. ...District 1 Councilmember Joe LaCava referred to the SDA as a "significant policy shift" — not a clarification, not regulatory reform, not a state mandate — but a significant policy change that does not belong in an annual code update... (open)

January 9, 2023

We’ve confirmed that the Sustainable Development Area (SDA) is on the Land Use and Housing Agenda for Thursday, January 12, 2023, at 1:00 PM... (open)

January 5, 2023

When it comes to driving successful transit-oriented development, distance to transit is a critical factor... (open)

December 29, 2022

As we pause to enjoy this well-deserved holiday break, we leave you with this summary of some of the more important issues we've reported on and will continue to address in the coming year...(open)

November 20, 2022

Because Thursday’s workshop was not an action item, no vote was taken to formally recommend one of the plan options. However, the Commissioners were clear in their preference... (open)

November 14, 2022

The College Area Community Plan Update Goes to the Planning Commission... (open)

October 29, 2022

Thank You! You made a difference!... (open)

October 26, 2022

As we explained in our last email, the Planning Department is finally proposing to use walking distance to define proximity to transit, as Neighbors For A Better San Diego has been advocating for over a year.

Unfortunately, this change is negated by the proposed overall expansion of walking distance from one-half mile to a full mile. This expansion means that MORE San Diego single-family neighborhoods will be targeted for overdevelopment... (open)

October 24, 2022

Will  your street be upzoned from single-family homes to 8-story apartment  buildings? Attend the meeting to find out and make your opinions known... (open)

October 11, 2022

...we  embrace this opportunity to address the glaring deficiencies of San  Diego’s new transit development maps, regardless of what the city wants  to call them... (open)

October 6, 2022

At the last minute before today’s Planning Department workshop on the Land Development Code Update,  the Planning Department has retracted the proposed Transit Priority  Area (TPA) revisions and instead proposes to introduce an entirely new  definition of proximity to transit, which they are calling Sustainable  Development Areas (SDAs)... (open)

October 5, 2022

Neighbors  For A Better San Diego emailed a survey on San Diego housing issues to  all eight candidates on the November 8th, 2022 ballot for City Council.

We've entered the results into our at-a-glance chart... (open)

September 30, 2022

After  waiting 7 months to see the Planning Department's revisions for the  College Area Community Plan Update, many of you were locked out of last  night's long-awaited meeting on September 28th, 2022... (open)

September 29, 2022

We  are very sorry to report that tonight's College Area Community Plan  Update Committee Meeting is having two unexpected technical issues:

The meeting has unexpectedly capped out at 100 participants


The Chat has been disabled ...(open)

September 28, 2022

The community's proposal has been submitted to the Planning Department to be considered  alongside whatever plans the Planning Department proposes. This plan,  which is based on the City's GIS data (SanGIS SANDAG GIS Data  Warehouse), provides 10,524 potential additional housing units without  significantly upzoning the area's single-family neighborhoods. You can  read more about the Community Update and our proposal here... (open)

September 21, 2022

During the  July 27 meeting with the College Area community, the Planning Department  advised the community's Plan Update Committee that if they wanted a  Community Plan Update proposal that reflected their 7 Visions Report, then the community's Planning Group would need to produce its own plan. And so we did... (open)

September 8, 2022

Whether  he was deliberately sticking a finger in the eye of Talmadge residents,  or just promoting a former lobbying client of his communications  director, Todd Gloria lavishly praised a Bonus Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) project on 49th Street in his latest weekly newsletter... (open)

August 12, 2022

Mat  Wahlstrom digs into the numbers behind state and local housing policies  and points out the inconsistencies between what these policies  encourage and what San Diego’s real housing needs are...(open)

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Neighbors For A Better San Diego is a grassroots organization formed to bring homeowners back into the discussion of urban development. We seek the creation of policies that benefit homeowners, renters, small businesses, and other stakeholders.

We are all volunteers, but our efforts require funding, so please consider donating to help our cause.

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